We are having issues with our telephone lines. If you need to contact us please call the Admin Team on 07843349655
This week Springboard have started welcoming back new and existing learners. We have commenced inductions for the new academic year for new learners, and have welcomed back existing learners to recommence their studies.
Our learners have been working from home during lockdown and COVID, but now thanks to Government guidance, we can safely welcome learners back! However, this week there has been a notable rise in positive COVID-19 cases across the region, so we are asking learners to ensure they do the following when attending any Springboard site:
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend Springboard and let reception or your tutor know as soon as possible. Visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119 for further information.
Find local COVID-19 information at www.sunderland.gov.uk/coronavirus
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