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Springboard Launch Two New Online Adult Courses

8 Apr 2020

Springboard are excited to announce we’ve launched two brand new online adult courses! We’re now offering the following Level 2 qualifications online:

– Mental Health Awareness
– Customer Service

Are you currently bored in lock down, furloughed from work, or just looking to add some qualifications to your CV to pass the time? Why not enrol onto our online adult courses.

These two new qualifications are free for those who are 19+, unemployed and claiming benefits, or for those who are employed and earning less than £16,000 per year (eligibility may vary for those who are currently furloughed)

Learners must be able to engage with our tutors via our online video chat once a week, and must have the ability to complete work online.

If you’re interested, please email agoodall@springboard-ne.org, or call 0300 003 7073

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