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Springboard teams up with DurhamWorks to deliver a new Future Steps programme

24 Mar 2020

Springboard have joined the DurhamWorks programme as new delivery partners. Springboard will be working with DurhamWorks to support young people in County Durham to access employment, education and training opportunities, and to develop the skill set needed for work and life.

The new Future Steps programme aims to engage young people who are disengaged with education, or who are unemployed and also those who may have special educational needs. Our Future Steps programme covers a range of skills and includes confidence building and personal development, matching skills, strengths and attributes to employment. Participants will gain a recognised qualification as well as gaining life skills for employment, training and personal development.

The Future Steps programme is ran from our Peterlee site, and travel expenses and lunch are provided. This rolling programme can be accessed at any time throughout the year and the course runs three days a week. The full promotional flyer can be downloaded via this link. 

If you are 16-24, living in County Durham and not in education, employment or training DurhamWorks can support you. For more information about the courses available visit the DurhamWorks website.

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