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Springboard Futures learners spreading joy to the isolated elderly in the community!

9 Oct 2020

Our Springboard Futures learners have been working in the community to help support others facing isolation – and have been spreading joy to the elderly in the community!

As part of Springboard wellbeing sessions, the learners had become aware that some in the community were at increased risk of becoming socially isolated.

During sessions, a number of learners identified older people as being at particular risk. They suggested that we show support to residents of a local Care Home who have gone into lockdown, with residents unable to have visits from family and friends.

The learners designed and made a banner with messages of support. Due to the restrictions, the residents had to watch the students from inside but were able to wave and pass on their appreciation.

Activities coordinator at Bryony Park, Amy, said; “It was absolutely fantastic to see the learners and it really meant a lot to our residents, they were able to exchange their

best wishes

and they loved the messages on the learner’s banners, it is a very difficult time with the residents being in lockdown, so knowing people are thinking about them meant an incredible lot.”

Springboard Futures Wellbeing lead Paul Colborn said; “We place mental health and well-being at the heart of everything we do at Springboard. Learners are encouraged to support others as well as themselves, so when they suggested they help others within their community I wasn’t surprised at all. They were particularly concerned about the effects of lockdown on the elderly and identified those in our community that they wanted to help. It was easy to see the benefits they got and the great pleasure the residents had in seeing the learners.”

What a lovely thing to do! Well Done to all those learners involved.

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