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Springboard Futures Big Clean

18 Mar 2021

Springboard Futures Learners are active members of the wider community. So when the SARA project in Southwick asked for their help as part of their partnership, the learners were only too happy to help.

SARA had identified areas for environmental improvement in the centre of Southwick. Fly tippers had abandoned waste in an area just off the Kings Road, directly impacting on the quality of life of those who live and work in the area.

After the slight disruption caused by lockdown the learners were keen to get back to work. A  mornings hard work saw the area improved dramatically.

Learner Cameron said: “We love being able to help make things better. We worked as a team to help clear things up and it looks great now.”

Springboard Futures Community integration lead, Paul Colborn said: “We are rightly proud of our learners sense of community responsibility. When they saw the extent of the problem, they were very keen to start work and make a difference. Working in partnership with The SARA project and Northumbria Police has given the learners invaluable opportunities and a great sense of achievement.”

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