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Lockdown Woodwork Projects from our Social Enterprise Learners

17 Jul 2020

Springboard’s Social Enterprise learners have been continuing to work hard throughout the lockdown. Some of our learners returned to our Peterlee site in June to commence face to face training once again, whilst ensuring social distancing measures took place!

Our learners have been working hard on various woodwork projects, including creating wood storers for members of the public, and bird boxes and garden wooden ornaments for family members.

During lockdown we also launched a social media campaign for donations of wood, palettes and other recyclable materials for our Social Enterprise learners. We received a fantastic response and has local companies such as Harrison and Brown Furniture and Chester Road Fruit & Veg in Sunderland offering donations.

Our Social Enterprise learners are happy to take bookings from the general public, and all our wooden projects are handmade to order. For more information send the Facebook page a message or email agoodall@springboard-ne.org

All of our social enterprise learner’s projects can be seen on our Facebook page.

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