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Planning for Progression

This programme is for those at Level 1 or below, and who are vocationally unsure or need to develop soft skills and confidence to support successful and meaningful progression.

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Start date
Enrolling now.

30 - 46 Weeks


Full Time


About the course

Through a range of classroom based and outdoor activities, you will overcome challenges to build teamwork, time management and problem-solving skills. You will also work on your employability skills through visits by local employers and work experience opportunities. You will have the opportunity to choose vocational tasters as part of your programme you help identify a suitable progression route.

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Progression Routes

On completion of the programme, you can move into further education, higher level study, apprenticeship and employment.

What do you need to apply for the course?

Entry Level – No previous qualifications are required for this programme, however, a pre-course interview will be required before a place is offered. Learners without their GCSE’s can access Level 1.

Course Costs

Courses are free if you’re aged 16-18.

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed via written assessments and practical assignments. You are also required to complete a work experience placement as part of our animal care course – you will be assessed during this.


The aim is to provide people with the opportunity to learn about different work areas and where they can progress.

Awarded by

Entry Level and Level 1 City & Guilds.

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Futures has supported me with my work and understanding and confidence.


I am currently completing my Level 3 Early Years Practitioner course. I have enjoyed my course, and having a more hands on approach to learning has allowed me to gain valuable and practical experience in my nursery setting, whilst also allowing me time to complete my work at home. I have been with Springboard for three years and have enjoyed my time with the members of staff who have helped me and I will miss them. I would recommend it rather than a college setting as most of my time on the course I have been in a school gaining valuable experience.

Amelia Aslett
Early Years Practitioner Learner

My apprenticeship at Springboard is great and it is really helping me with the development in my job. I enjoy all aspects of my job and receiving extra training while working gives me those extra qualities which enables me to become better in my role. My apprentice assessor is great and is always available to give me help and assistance when needed. The work is always clearly explained which makes it easier for me to get on with and complete it to the highest possible standard. I would highly recommend getting an apprenticeship through Springboard as it allows you to work while getting the required training needed to be successful at your job. It will help you start off your career and give you the qualifications needed to have a successful career in whichever industry you are interested in.

Business Admin Apprentice, Great Annual Savings

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