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Springboard Nursery take part in National Reflection Day

26 Mar 2021

The 23rd March 2021 marked a year since the National Lockdown began. The year that has passed has been long and challenging due to the global pandemic. We’ve been unable to embrace loved ones, businesses have ceased trading and countless jobs have been lost, as well as our loved ones.

Our Springboard Nursery staff and children took part in the National Day of Reflection by coming together to mark the 23rd March as a day of hope for a brighter future. They used this opportunity to raise funds for Marie Curie to help families who have suffered loss due to the ongoing pandemic.

To show their support all staff and children wore Yellow. The Nursery also displayed their own ‘Hope For the Future’ art gallery in the nursery carpark, which parents and all staff are able to view during the day and take some time out of our busy schedule to ‘reflect’ on the past year.

In total Springboard Nursery raised an amazing £364 For Marie Curie.

Thank you to everyone who took part and donated!

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