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Springboard Learners get a Taste of Life at Sea

27 May 2021

Springboard learners have fantastic access to educational and leisure opportunities.  As part of this, our friends at South Shields Sailing Club offered to give our learners an opportunity to get a taste of yachting as a leisure activity and the importance of water safety.

Adam from the Sailing Club said: “Yachting is a great hobby for young people and helps develop personal skills such as teamwork, communication and problem-solving. We also talk about how important water safety is for young people, in particular, the learners from Springboard were an absolute pleasure to work with, and we look forward to working with them again.”

Nichola Corry  SEND lead said: ” When we were offered the opportunity to work with the Sailing Club our Learners were very enthusiastic, one of our key aims is to give learners opportunities which they wouldn’t ordinarily have or might find difficult to access. We are looking forward to working with the Club again.”

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