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Springboard Sunderland is launching a new and exciting qualification in Uniform Protective Services.
For those wishing to pursue a career in HM Forces, Police, Fire and Rescue and other emergency services, this is an ideal stepping stone for you.
Based at Hetton Lyons Country Park the course will cover aspects such as; telecommunications, foot drill, teamwork, health and fitness, map reading and navigation and outward bound activities that are both inland and water-based.
As part of the Governments study programme 16-19, you will gain an NCFE level 1/2 in Uniform Protective Services as well as improving your Maths and English skills (if needed) and having professional advice on Career Education Advice and Guidance and Personal Social Development and Wellbeing.
Interested? Contact Springboard on 0191 567 4376, email lmahan@springboard-ne.org, visit https://springboard-ne.org.uk/courses/public-service-adventure-training/ or alternatively visit our Facebook page.
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