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Springboard Futures get creative in naming Street Sweep

15 Apr 2021

Springboard Futures Learners have a successful partnership with Sunderland Council and the Sara Project working on environmental projects in the Southwick area.

As a result of this, Springboard Futures Learners were given the opportunity to name a Street Sweeper. After many suitable suggestions including: Dustbin Hoffman and Bin Diesel,  the winning choice was Binderella!

Learner Peter said: “We have enjoyed working on making Southwick a nicer place, it was great when we were asked to think of a name for a Street Sweeper. We thought of a lot of names then voted on them. The one we chose was Binderella,  it made us very proud.”

Community partnership lead Paul Colborn said: “Our learners take great sense of satisfaction in being part of the community, they have enjoyed fantastic opportunities working with the Sara Project and Sunderland Council.  Naming a Street Sweeper has given the learners a great sense of pride and ownership.”

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