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Springboard Futures Learners mark World Scrabble Day by supporting the “Let’s Get Talking” campaign

14 Apr 2021

Springboard Futures learners place a lot of value on developing their mental health and spend a great deal of time working on different strategies to improve it.


As part of their recovery from lockdown they identified that social games were a good way to start quality conversations and improve their overall sense of wellbeing.


Learner James said: “We missed our friends during lockdown, it was hard not having people outside of your family to talk to. We decided that we all liked playing games, and it helps people start to talk.”


SEND lead Nichola Corry said: “Developing our learners skills around wellbeing has never been more important. Developing resilience is at the heart of our syllabus, and it came as no surprise when the learners suggested we combine social games with the Let’s Get Talking campaign.”

Please see below some useful contacts within the area to turn to if you need someone to talk to:
Washington Mind: https://washingtonmind.org.uk/ | call 0191 417 8043
Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ | call 116 123

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