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Springboard work closely with various schools around the North East of England offering support, information, advice and guidance to those students exploring their options after Year 11.

Support for years 7 through to 11

Springboard work closely with various schools around the North East of England. Springboard offers support, information, advice and guidance to those students exploring their options after Year 11. Springboard work to support all year groups from Year 7 through to Year 11.

Class/Year Assemblies

Springboard can offer assemblies and presentations on Springboard’s offer, about apprenticeships, vocational areas, or what it is like attending Springboard.

Open Events/Career Fairs

Springboard are keen to engage with young people, breaking down barriers, and offering advice and guidance on a range of post 16 routeways. We are happy to give tailored advice at open days, and engage with a wide range of year groups.

Site Visits

Students can visit our locations for tours of our in house facilities and vocational areas, and speak with relevant staff about their progression from school. We are also able to offer bespoke workshops.


Our friendly enrolment team are happy to talk to students on an individual basis. We are able to accomodate private appointments, appointments with parents/carers or appointments with support workers.


Springboard can offer bespoke workshops to groups of learners, either at Springboard or at your school. Springboard offer workshops on mock interviews, CV workshops, understanding the labour market and many more.

Alternative Education

Springboard also have the capacity to accommodate Alternative Education for those aged between 14-16 and may be disengaged from mainstream provision.

Get in touch

If you or your school are interested in any of these support tools, please get in touch now and speak to us.

Jodie Wotton

16-18 Learner Engagement Officer