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Take The Lead Doggy Day Care

Are you a dog owner looking for a safe and fun doggy day care for your pooch? Look no further than Take The Lead!

Are you a dog owner looking for a safe and fun doggy day care for your pooch?

Our Take The Lead Doggy Day Care is set to launch in January, based in Southwick,  Sunderland.

We offer a safe environment for your dog to play, with training support with a human adult!

Dogs will be grouped into packs depending on size or behaviour of each dog.

Full day and half day daycare is available, and your pooch will be looked after by our doggy first aid trained staff, so you know your dogs will be in safe hands.

For more information and pricing, please click here to fill in our form, or alternatively please call 07843 349643 or email pkell@springboard-ne.org

You can also follow us on Instagram by clicking here!