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Interview Techniques & Tips
Interviews for jobs come in a variety of formats, face-to-face, panel interviews, telephone interviews and technical interviews. In some interviews you may be asked to do a presentation, and in other interviews it may just be a chat with standardised questions.
You will need to attend a job interview before any job offer is made, during the interview the employer wants to find out about you and how you will fit in at the company, but most importantly they will want to see if you can do the job!
We’re here to share some techniques and tips to help you prepare and keep nerves away!
1 – Dress to Impress
During job interviews you should always dress smart and formal. Even if the company has a casual dress code, you don’t want to attend the interview in casual clothing. Dress for confidence, but also for comfort – don’t wear heels you can’t walk in, or trousers that are too tight. Don’t wear trainers, keep jewellery to a minimum, avoid jazzy ties, don’t wear too much aftershave or perfume and make sure your hair is tidy and neat.
2 – Do your Company Research
One of the biggest issues our recruitment team face here at Springboard is interview candidates who have not researched the company, either for jobs with us here at Springboard or as a learner to be placed in a programme. Research the company as much as you can before an interview, get to know about their services, products, competitors and target market. The more you know about a company the better chance you have of selling yourself and showing them you can fit in with the company.
3 – Be on time!
Never, ever arrive late for an interview! Always allow extra time to arrive early, and always try to get to the interview 10 or 15 minutes early. If you are going to be late due to travel issues or other factors, DO telephone the company and explain, rather than just turning up late.
4 – Be prepared
If you have been asked to bring along a portfolio, create a presentation or any other prep before the interview, ensure it has been complete and you’ve brought it along. If you have created something in a digital format, it is also a good idea to bring along paper copies incase anything should go wrong. It’s also a good idea to bring along copies of your CV and references, and a copy of the job description or vacancy to help you with answering questions.
5 – Be enthusiastic and alert
Look the interviewer in the eye when being spoken to, and when you answer the questions. Give yourself a second or two to think about your answer before speaking, and if you don’t understand the question ask for it to be repeated. Sit comfortably and do not shuffle or sink into your seat.
6 – Make sure your phone is on silent!
Always turn off your phone before an interview, or ensure it is on silent. If your phone does ring or you get a text or social media notification during an interview, do not check your phone until you have left the companies building.
7 – Ask questions
Prepare one or two questions to ask the interviewer at the end of your interview. These should be structured questions regarding the role you have applied for, or regarding the company’s culture.
For example; “Are there any opportunities for further development in this role” or “Why do you enjoy working here?”
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