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12 Mar 2020

23rd March 2020 – 10:46 update:


Here at Springboard the well-being and safety of our employees, partners and learners is paramount, and following this mornings announcement we have now made the decision to close the following locations until further notice:


– Hartlepool

– Jarrow

– Peterlee

– Pennywell


– The Bridges

– Hetton Hub

– Springboard Nursery


We will continue to provide further updates when we can, and we would like to thank our employees, learners, partners and visitors for their patience and understanding during this incredibly challenging time.

19th March 2020 – 09:04 update:

Following Government guidance we will cease our face to face training and delivery for the vast majority of our learners as of 4pm Friday 20th March.


Some Study Programme learners will continue to be supported in line with Government Guidance for those whose parents are key workers, those with an EHCP and those in vulnerable groups.


We will provide a full student briefing over the next few days.


At this time our buildings remain open and staff are available to support learners through a range of alternative methods.


If you or your child has any concerns please contact their tutor in the first instance, failing that please call 0300 003 7073


We will update as soon as we can. We appreciate your patience during this difficult time.

18th March 2020 – 09:36 update:

COVID-19 Update:


Springboard are continuing to follow Government guidelines and all of our premises, with the exception of Hetton Hub, remain open.


Study Programme learners are still expected to attend lessons, unless instructed otherwise.


For any new learners who are self isolating or social distancing, we have opened our online enrolment system. New learners are now able to enrol online, via email or over the telephone. Please message our Facebook page or visit our website for contact information.


Our Easter Open Days are still going ahead as planned, however this is subject to change and may be moved online.


All Adult courses and short pre-employment courses are suspended with immediate effect and will be reviewed in line with Government guidance as it is received.


Apprentices are to follow their employers guidance. Our apprenticeship team are available for support and assessments via Smart Assessor or over the telephone. Our premises remain open for any apprentices who need support or who are attending off the job training.


Hetton Hub remains closed until further notice.


Any questions or queries please Facebook message the team, or visit our website for further information.

17th March 2020 – 12:42 update:

COVID-19 Update. Hetton Hub: CLOSED


We are continuing to follow Government guidelines and following a Government announcement about new measures being put in place to manage the Coronavirus outbreak, we have made the decision to CLOSE Hetton Hub until further notice.


Please note, all digital inclusion classes are also cancelled until further notice.


We will continue to closely monitor and act on the latest Government advice and will re-open as soon as we can. In the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

All other Springboard locations remain OPEN.

17th March 2020 – 09:20 update:

Springboard is open as normal for all learners, staff and visitors. We are following Government guidance as it is released.


We currently have no confirmed cases of COVID-19 and we are continuing to take extra precautions. Should anything change we will notify staff, learners and visitors as soon as possible.


Please keep referring back to our Facebook page and our website for any further updates.

12th March 2020 – 14:46 update:

Springboard will continue to stay open. We are following official Government guidance and will remain open. In the event this should change we will notify all staff, learners and visitors as soon as possible.

12th March 2020

Springboard and all of our centres are open as usual. Every effort is currently being made and extra measures have been put in place to ensure an appropriate level of precaution is taken.

Staff and learners have been asked to remain vigilant when learners and staff are returning from absence, be that sickness or authorised holidays with discussions around possible secondary contact with individuals who may have recently travelled outside of the UK, particularly pertinent to people returning from Italy and China. Any staff member who has returned from High Risk Areas and Specified Affected Areas must contact their line manager prior to return to work. They must not visit any Springboard premises until it is agreed.

Any staff member, learner or visitor showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to ring their line manager or tutor at the earliest convenience.

A map of countries and specified areas affected by COVID-19 with implications for returning travellers or visitors arriving in the UK can be found here.

Guidance for Educational settings can be found here.

More information regarding COVID-19 including the signs and symptoms can be found here.


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