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Functional Skills

We can offer GCSE maths and English as well as Functional Skills for those who don’t have the appropriate qualifications. You will be assessed prior to starting the course and you will be put into a class based on your ability. Our GCSE and Functional Skills courses are only available for those enrolled on to one of our main study programmes.

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Dependent on ability and working level.

Functional Skills Level 1, 2 & 3

Full-Time as part of Study Programme

Across the North East

About the course

Our Functional Skills qualifications are intended for anyone wishing to develop their maths and English. These qualifications focus on both the underpinning skills as well as the ability to apply maths and English to different contexts. Functional Skills qualifications are used to support learners’ progress towards GCSE.

Our Functional Skills qualifications are available across various levels.

What do you need to apply for the course?

Entry Level – No previous qualifications are required for this programme, however, a pre-course interview will be required before a place is offered.
There will be an initial assessment for all learners at the start of the course to assess current abilities.

Course Costs

Functional Skills courses are free for those learners on our Study Programmes.

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed via written assessments and exams.


For learners to successfully improve their skills and gain an appropriate qualification in Functional Skills in order to progress in their careers or further study.

Awarded by

City and Guilds

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