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Apprenticeship Success for CX Fitness

17 Sep 2020

Springboard caught up with Jordan and Ethan, who have just started their apprenticeships at CX Fitness. Jordan and Ethan went through the recruitment process remotely due to Covid-19, and are both now enjoying their Supply Chain Warehouse Operative apprenticeships!

“Both learners are are progressing well and are really enjoying working at CX Fitness, everyone within the team are really helpful and made them feel welcome.”

We also caught up with Will, who completed his Level 2 apprenticeship in July 2020 and has since been offered a full time job at CX Fitness! “I was over the moon! I have gained a full time job at CX Fitness. CX Fitness is a great place to work and I would definitely recommend Springboard, my tutor Jacey worked hard and tirelessly to get me through my qualification especially during these uncertain times!”

A huge well done to all three lads at CX Fitness and we wish you all the best of luck! Special recognition to our Warehousing apprenticeship tutor Jacey, and apprenticeship recruitment officer, Suzanne, for working so hard during these testing times! Well done team!

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