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The Future is Pallet Garden Furniture

4 Jun 2019

As part of their Enterprise programme, our Springboard Futures learners have been busy making some fantastic garden furniture ready for the Summer months, and now they’re available to buy! ☀️

The garden benches and tables are made by the learners and cost £20 for a bench and £10 for a table, or £25 if bought together.

Learner Ryan said: “It’s awesome because we get to sit on the benches we’ve made”

Vikkie Richardson, Head of Springbord Futures said: “Enterprise is a crucial part of our learners pathway to work, they have developed their woodworking skills tremendously under instruction from our volunteer expert carpenter John Diss, this social enterprise project has proved to be hugely successful and enjoyable, we are looking forward to some warm summer days to enjoy them!”

Orders can be placed by emailing our Marketing Officer, Amy on agoodall@springboard-ne.org


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