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Springboard Futures

Springboard Futures provides high quality further education and supported training to those in Sunderland who have a recognised autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), learning difficulties and disabilities (LLDD).

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About the course

Springboard Futures, provides high quality further education and supported training.The training provision is available for learners 16+ with an EHCP who are still making progress at the time of leaving their previous education provider.

Our provision of specialist staff, resources and equipment will enable students with learning difficulties and disabilities to make the transition to adulthood. We provide small class teaching to make sure all learners get the support they require. We provide appropriate programmes that support students transition into adulthood. We provide person-centred planning to reflect everyone’s needs, skills and interests. We work in partnership with placement providers to support student’s preparation for the world of work. We provide joining and leaving transition strategies suited to individual learners.

Our Values

  • Provide personalised programmes that support students transition to adulthood
  • Provide person-centred planning to reflect each individual’s needs, skills and interests
  • Have high expectations of all young people
  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect
  • Work in partnership with employers and placement providers to support students preparing for the world of work.


For a copy of our current prospectus, please email agoodall@springboard-ne.org

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Our Curriculum:

All learners at Springboard futures receive work placements internally and/or externally. Internally we currently have a Bistro, Beauty Salon, and Construction unit with many more to come. Externally we have links with local charities that have learners volunteer in reception, cleaning and in their shops. We also have links to other Restaurants, Cafes and Food Banks. We are continuously forging links with new employers and will try our best to match the learner to the type of business they would like to work in.


This qualification focuses on how to look after yourself and your home. The qualification then covers living in the community and how to safely access opportunities/activities too.


This qualification focuses on the world of work/volunteering, preparing you for adulthood by developing their independence skills in a place of work.

Functional Skills:

Our Functional Skills qualifications are intended for anyone wishing to develop their maths and English. These qualifications focus on both the underpinning skills as well as the ability to apply maths and English to different contexts. Functional Skills qualifications are used to support learners’ progress towards GCSE.

Enrichment and Personal, Social Development:

Throughout the learners’ time at Springboard Futures, they will take part in several Enrichment and Social Development activities. Learners will be able to practice their social communication skills, hand eye coordination and gain an understanding of healthy lifestyles.

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I enjoy working at the college and also going out and about in the community with my friends. Being at Futures has made me a little more confident.


Futures has supported me with my work and understanding and confidence.


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